Bleeding Gums

Periodontal Therapy

An occasionally incident of bleeding gums may not be of any great concern, but if your gums bleed regularly, it could indicate something more serious.

The current advice from the America Dental Association is that if your gums bleed, start by examining your dental hygiene regimen. First, make sure you are brushing and flossing twice a day. Your brushing time should be around 2 minutes, 1 minute devoted to the upper teeth and 1 minute focused on the lowers. Be sure to focus on the harder to reach areas behind the back molars and behind the front top and bottom teeth.

If bleeding persists, there are a couple possible causes. Don’t increase your brushing just because you are seeing blood. Try to figure out why.

A first possible cause, simple to remedy, could be a vitamin C deficiency. Try taking a daily C supplement to see if this helps the situation.

A second cause for bleeding is a potential sign of gingivitis, an early stage of periodontal disease. If your bleeding does persist and you are concerned, see your dentist. Periodontal disease is not something you should ignore. Addressed early, you can save yourself (and your teeth) a lot of pain and expense.

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