Dentures and Implants at My Smile Designer

Dentures and Implants

Dentures and ImplantsIf your smile suffers from missing teeth, dentures or implants from My Smile Designer may be a great choice. Don’t suffer from embarrassment when you talk, laugh, or eat. Talk to an expert who can put your dental health back on track.

There are two great options for tooth loss. The first option is partial or full dentures. We understand that your smile needs to look and feel natural. We offer a wide range of tooth shapes, sizes, and colors so you can find a smile that is right for you.

The second option is dental implants. An implant has a titanium post which acts like a tooth root and is surgically inserted into the jawbone beneath the gum. This post allows replacement teeth to be mounted to the gum. Implants are a permanent solution and can also be sized and colored to match existing teeth. Dental implants can be a better choice for your overall oral health as they not anchored to other teeth, like bridges.

Implants do require healthy gums and adequate bone mass. At My Smile Designer, Dr. Farighi will assess your oral health and needs and recommend the best procedure for you.

Find that beautiful smile you have always wanted. Please contact us with any questions.

My Smile Designer

Offices in Costa Mesa & Santa Ana

949.642.6678   714.543.6666

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