Pain After Root Canal – Is it Normal?

Root Canal Therapy

Root Canal TherapyRoot canal therapy is an involved procedure which cleanses contaminants and infection from within the root canal of the tooth. While the patient is typically numbed for the duration, the nerve root is removed from the tooth.

The surrounding tissue and nerve endings can become irritated or inflamed, so some small amount of discomfort after your treatment is expected.

In most cases, both sensitivity and the mild discomfort will disappear within a few days. The most important measure to ensuring the success of the treatment and minimizing the pain is excellent oral hygiene during the recovery.

Over-the-counter pain relievers should be more than sufficient to relieve the pain after the procedure. Anything more should be brought to the attention of your dentist

We look forward to helping your root canal treatment be as pain-free as possible. Keep your smile beautiful.

As always, please contact us with any questions.


My Smile Designer

Offices in Costa Mesa & Santa Ana

949.642.6678   714.543.6666

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